Friday 29 April 2011


Last week the head teacher came into our classroom and told us that our teacher was sick.
Then he said he was going to choose a student to teach the class. To my surprise he choose me !!

So I went up to the whiteboard and taught my friend.

First I taught grammar or something that I can. I'm funny to teach them because it the first time that I taught the student and I felt so very scary. I don't want them to look at me so much and I tell them that finally we play game or do something.

Second I taught them about listening but they said they don't want to learn it because it difficult to listen so I changed to reading. When we finished the reading we started to play game. We played the game that we called "Stop The Bus". I think it is happy I see a lot of them are laugh and after it was time to go to home.

Finally I think it is my good day but sometimes i feel so tired to teach them and i wish my teacher was feel better soon.


  1. Good post!
    Yes, teaching can be tiring, especially if the students don't listen. What do you think a teacher should do if the class doesn't pay attention?
