Last week the head teacher came into our classroom and told us that our teacher was sick then he said he was going to choose a student to teach the class to my surprise he chose me!!
So i went up to the whiteboard and teach all of student in the class. My name is Pheng I'm 15 year old every month I study got number 2 i can't believe they choose me for teach they.In the class i never do bad with someone. i teach they a good lesson and play some game i felt happy when they chose me but i felt difficult to teach they because they not listen me so i can't teach they.Today it very noise in my classroom some student eating some student talkative i felt very boring because i can't control they. So i go to tell head teacher and then the head teacher go to my class and they if someone do noise in the class again i will tell your teacher detect your name from the list of student when he came and then they listen me teach and quiet when i explain something.
So today i know my teacher felt when he teach my class and they do noise like this maybe he felt boring and sad like me too so we need listen teacher when he explain and don't do noise in class to.
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