Yesterday i found a TIME MACHINE .Wow!!!!!it so amazing , right ??I'm very very surprised when i saw this amazing thing that all people could not found it . I'm very happier when i had this machine because it can made me easier to go to see my future , what am i in the future ?Maybe in the future i can be the princess or billionaire also . If i could be the billionaire i would give some money to you , if you read my post .
By the way when i had free time i would go to the past to see my old best friend and my grandmother . And the interesting point when i had this machine is "It can made me to be a hero also ". Example yesterday it had an accident near my house , i can use the time machine to help them . If tomorrow i had a test at school i would usedthe time machine to see what question or exercises that my teacher give me . When i know the question or exercise already i used the time machine to come back to the present and found the answer . If i do like every time i would be number 1 in class and then my father will gave me some money . And if i fail the test i would had the exam again by my time machine .
Especially when i don't have money i can used the time machine to go to the past to my birthday last year because my relative always gave me some money as present so i can take this money and come back home by time machine also .I wish all of you can found the time machine like me.
nice post ^^