Hi! Everybody!! Do you know about Egypt?? So i would like you to know about some information of Egypt...! The people in Egypt most of them speak Arabic (( The language of Egypt..)). The Capital city of Egypt is Cairo and also the largest city is also Cairo. How about the population?? The population of Egypt was 72.6 million people.
The World Wonder of Egypt is Pyramid. And it made of sand and stone for the Pharaoh's tomb.(The king of Egypt).They were built thousands of years ago by the Ancient Egyptians. And the largest pyramid is the pyramids of Khufu in Giza...The pyramids in Egypt was about 138.
So, What did that wrote inside the pyramid?? Inside the pyramid they wrote hieroglyphics((an ancient language)).. And the Egyptian flag was Black, white and red with a gold symbol in the middle...
Thank you for your reading.!! And sorry for my mistake ... Bye!! Bye!!!
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