There was a wild animal that I frighten is TIGER. Tiger is one of the strong land animal. Tiger is eating meat it had a sharp tooth. Tiger has a relationship with the king of the forest. Some time they were bit each other. When the tiger angry and it will shout loudly. Tiger are now endanger. In Cambodia there were probably about 300 or least than it. The tiger and there home now are reservation. In Koh Kong Province we can sea a tiger playing with people in a circus. Some tiger people can play with it.There were one zoo near Phnom Penh that we saw many tiger there and many other animal . In south Africa now tiger is going to extinct. I hope that the tiger won't be extinct and people will save tiger or other animal. Why do many like to kill Tiger?
The answer is tiger skin is very expensive. People like to put it on the wall in their house. I don't think it good idea to kill animal.
Thanks for reading.
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