One day after started my grade 8 I used to make my teacher angry this memory still followed me every day but I think it wasn't my mistake but it was his . And the story of it was like that that day was Khmer subject so I came to school very early because that day I was having exam. so I saw my teacher (Him and I used to argue before) . At the point while I was buying my breakfast with my fridens but everything won't good again and again after ate my breakfast already my friends and I went to office teacher to asked my teacher about the next exam but accidently my friend made his little clock that put on the desk and it broke . At frist I didn't know it was near me and then he came in and blamed me I was very shock so he bent over and picked it up by himself but I was even touch it and he told me "WELL I THOUGH IT DIDN'T JUMPED OFF BY ITSELF" my friend told him that he was done that but he still said I agian and again .
So we went back to our class and now it was time to class so now I was doing my exam I didn't know none of them they were very difficult I went like that because I forgot to study last night because that was my brother birthday party last night . While I was dreaming about it my bad bad bad with ugly face teacher came and destroy my paper and though them away I was very shock and I wanted to blamed him very much but I was shock again by his words he said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING " I answered " I DIDN'T DO NOTHTHING" "NO , YOUR ARE CHEATING "my teacher said . I was very angry so I walked away from class to playground . I didn't cheat but why he said like that so I asked school to go home and after that I never pass at Khmer sbject once the time because of him . Since that I changed to other school now I was very happy with my new school .
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