Last week I saw a crime .I was walking on the road for going shop.At that time i saw the criminals were robbing a wallet of the woman.I was scared.
I don't know what i can help her.At that time i take my phone from my beg for take the picture of the crime and i call to the polices for coming to help.I tell this happened story to the polices and the police said to me ''we going now you wait for me for two or three minutes.A that time she said''have anyone who help me?'' and at that time the polices coming and the thief were going out and the robbing didn't have to take her wallet.I saw she was very scared.
And i talk to the victim''Don't worried madam the police helped you and i have some picture of the robbing,do you have the number of your family?''She said '' yes i have the number of my husband ,it's 005''.At that time i call to her husband and tell him to help his wife.At that time her husband come and said ''Thank you to me''.I'm happy that i can help the victim''.....
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