Last week I saw a crime. When I was walking down the street. There was a quiet street at night time. I really afraid when i walk alone at night. After a minute, when i nearly arrive home.
I saw a woman and man was walking down the street too. When i saw them i wasn't so scare like before. But when i look carefully to them. I saw that the man having in his hand. WHO KNOW??? O.O he was a robber. He want to rob that woman. I was deep in fear now. I can't even talk and my whole body cant walk now. It seem like my body is not listen to me.. But still keep my mind to be stronger to find a place to hide and call the police.
Suddenly, I cant find a place to hide and can saw the robber face clearly and can also see what happen. After i calmed down. I decide to called police to come.
After a 5minutes, the police arrived the robber still here. He couldn't run away. Because the police all around him. So he just let the police to arrest him. And give back all the things to the victim. HOwever, i was there waiting for the police. They were asking me who was the witness. And i told them, the witness is me... They were asking me around 5questions.
This is the first time, that i can keep my emotion in check. I really happy that i can decide in the right time to help that woman.
I like how you describe your body's reaction to fear. I also like how you use the phrase "keep my emotions in check."