If you could change anything about your life what would it be?Would you be younger?older?would you live somewhere else?Tell what you would change about your life if you could and why.
Now i like study math and I'm good at math.I want to use my math to be with businesses women and i life are good.This job can do me have a lot of money and i want to help my country good the rich country.Than i want to go a round the world.But now the first think i want to do is study a lot at Khmer;English and another language lot ...especially i nee

d to study a lot to do my all exam are past.Than i not thinking a bout my life a lot like boyfriend'; money ;game ;go somewhere outside school;play a lot not study ....I know a bout my life are boring about my math home work.I always i want to stay alone because my parent always say that ''u don't study a lot of math'' and they don't like my future dream to be businesses women they want me do doctor.I agree about i do a lot of math that i very boring but I'm not agree that late me do doctor.I always angry them a bout they thinking.When i can do businesses women i will not do them worry a bout me any more and i will help my brother and sister have a good job;can study another country and do good study and i will take care every one in my family.
it is very good