If I could change anything about your life what would it be? Would you be younger? Older ? Would you live some where else? Tell what you would change about your life if you could and why.
If I could change my life, I would be a billionaire and I would Travel around the world with only one me in the plane and there were a lot of pilots in there plane and in the plane there were a lot of thing on it and It would be easy to sleep. I would change my old car to the new modern and interesting car that I wanted it for a long time and there was so expensive for another people. MY house would be bigger than now and in my house there were only modern and expensive things in there and there were a lot of servants. They all didn't need the salary. I would buy a lot of cars motors planes helicopters and space or UFO that another people didn't have because I bought the UFO from the alien in the another planet that in another galaxies. I would invite the alien from another planets to visited my planets.If there happened can be I would be the leader of this world and there would be the space wars.
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