Friday 27 May 2011

The running competition

Last week i went to a running competition the people of racer are about 300 people .The people need to run 3 Km to win the money about 2000000$. There are many religion like Cambodia ,Thailand,China ,Indonesia , Singapore ... They choose all if there mam woman young or old.

The race was started the people ran about 50 meters there were about 50 people ran and a person fell off on another people because he very tired. Then they were in hospital. When they about 1km there was about 10 people stomachache because they didn't eat breakfast.when they ran about 2km all the people very tired so they stopped only 1 person still ran until the end.
All the people shouted very loudly because they never saw this competition.At last he get money . And he said he will get the money to help the children for half of the money...