Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Zoo has been Changed

The Tamao Mountain zoo is very beautiful. The Tamao Mountain zoo is in Ta Kao province.
Now the zoo has been change. The old zoo had lot of cages. Even large animal were kept in big cages. Often the cages had nothing in them except an animal and the animal was sad looking. Many animals live together in the cages and the cages are not empty. They are full of trees, flowers, rocks and water. They are likes pieces of real country, not like cages at all.
These new zoo teach people a lot about animals. They show people how the animals really live. They also show the way they have families and how the mother take care of the babies. And they show how many kinds of animals form groups and live together. In addition the animals in the new zoo do not look sad.
Are they really happy? I can’t tell you of course, but they look healthier. But I think they are really happy because they have good health and very strong, they can eat a lot and they can play a lot.
These new zoo had many types of animals. They are leopard, monkey, rabbit, big dog, dolphin, fox and many more. In those place had beautiful environment, and had a lot of big tree. In those place had a lot of tourists, had many things there.
In those place tourists can take photo, can buy anything that they want and was very cheap, but something was very expensive because it’s big and can use for a long time. They can saw a lot of animal and can do everything that they want to do.
Last month I went to this zoo and I ask the zoo worker about this zoo and ask him about animal. And the zoo worker said that some animals change when they come to the new cages.
Thank you for reading my writing and please tell me about my mistake. Wish you good luck all the time!
J L :->

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